James Ringler

Detailed & Updated Real Estate Information

James Ringler is a commercial real estate company that offers real estate services, including brokerage, leasing, site selection, property management, land assemblage, property valuations, community development, consulting, etc. We provide up-to-the-minute information on rental rates, vacancies, and market conditions.


Whether your company is new to the area, expanding a present site, or looking for a new location, NAI/Cressy Commercial specialists can help. We’re experts in selling, leasing, and investing in commercial, retail, and industrial properties. Our knowledge of the marketplace and keen insight into how the industry is changing continues to serve our clients well. We work with you to find the best fit and value. And we do it in a timely manner.

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There are two sides to every lease.  NAI/Cressy has experience in providing well-managed leasing services for retail, industrial, and office buildings and representing the tenant’s interests. We represent building owners while promoting tenant loyalty while maximizing profits. Filling unoccupied space at any cost is not always the best answer for your long-term success. That’s why we examine every option to reduce your risk while increasing your property's value over the term of your ownership. How? By giving you complete access to our assets in addition to supplying up-to-the-minute information on rental rates, vacancies, and market conditions critical to your efforts. Don’t forget; we’re networked nationwide, so you get information on potential tenants, buyers and sellers, as soon as it’s available. We’re also adept at representing the tenant’s interests. We know the cost of real estate is one of the highest fixed operating expenses. Our expertise and insight can help analyze the factors that affect your current facility and compare it with the costs associated with relocating or building in another location. Again, it boils down to examining all the options. We simplify the decision-making process by giving you clear and quantitative facts. We can even help you negotiate reasonable terms to keep your capital where it belongs. Landlord or tenant…we’re not just your agents; we’re your partners.

Site Selection

Jim offers comprehensive corporate and retail site selection for Michigan and Indiana.

1 Transportation infrastructure
2 Ease of permitting and regulatory
3 Existing workforce skills
4 Land/building prices and supply
5 Utility infrastructure
6 State and local tax scheme
7 Flexibility of incentive programs
8 Availability of incentives
9 Access to higher education resources
10 Legal Climate (tort reform)

*Source for above chart: Site selection survey of corporate real estate executive. October 2014.

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Property Management

Our professional staff specializes in managing an office, retail, and industrial space, carefully safeguarding your interests. Through this property management service, NAI/Cressy Management clients receive assistance in a variety of areas, including:

  • Appraisal.
  • Energy Management.
  • Mechanical Engineering.
  • Fire and Life Safety.
  • Marketing.
  • Security.
  • Expense Control.
  • Environmental Assessments.

We have a successful track record and a reputation for the personal attention you won’t find elsewhere. Because we have experience with such a broad range of property types and services, we provide qualified direction toward effective solutions to your business challenges. We can be your single source of property management.

Land Assemblage

If you have needs for confidential land assemblage, Jim Ringler and his professional team members have assembled multiple land tracks. We understand the dynamics of this process and have the experience to complete any land assemblage your organization may require.

James Ringler
James Ringler

Property Valuations

Need a property valuation but don’t want to empty your bank account? We provide valuations on commercial properties on a fee basis. These valuations are based on current market data and usually are not as expensive as full-fledged fee appraisals. In Indiana, it's referred to as a Broker Opinion of Value, and in Michigan, a Market Analysis. Licensed Brokers only analyzed using all of our current market data and delivered to you in an easily readable report.

Community Development

Many communities have benefited greatly by partnering with us to help develop commercial projects for their community and use our consulting expertise to work for their specific location. We have a proven track record of successful community development projects. Our latest partnership is with the City of Benton Harbor developing the City Center Lofts.

James Ringler
Two Businessmen Sitting At A Table With Pens In Hand. One Signing The Contract. Big Light Filled Windows Behind Them.


Solutions. That’s what you should expect from a consultant. And that’s what you get from NAI/Cressy. By taking advantage of such assets as our advisors, you have opportunities to develop the most advantageous strategy possible that will help you achieve your goals. Jim and his team of professionals are accustomed to handling the marketing, leasing, maintenance, and other aspects of property acquisition, disposal, and management. They have a command of local markets and unparalleled research capabilities, and the experience to mesh the two so you get their personal best and our professional best. But that’s not all you get as aNAI/Cressy client. We are constantly expanding the scope of services, allowing you the greatest advantage in the marketplace. Providing innovative property solutions aren’t just words, it’s what we do.